book trailer video

Readers want to see what’s inside a book and why they must invest their money. One of the ways to give them a sneak peek view is by utilizing the Book Trailer Video service. However, don’t judge Book Trailer Video by its title. Unless the audiences like what they see, a Book Video Trailer may do more damage than good.

So, how would the high-quality Book Trailer video by SPARK help? You would get to see the explosive growth and popularity of your title. Thus, reaching out to a greater number of potential audiences. You would get more avenues to share including some of the leading video sharing websites.

YouTube Advertisement

Be seen where everyone is watching.

Having a video on YouTube is a great step in marketing your book. The next step is to get it in front of as many people as possible. With our Video Advertisement Service we will create a targeted advertisement on YouTube and all Google partner networks. What is the Google partner network? It’s a collection of thousands of websites and apps. It’s the largest advertising service on the internet and we leverage this to your advantage.


Be seen by readers searching on Google & YouTube for books like yours.

With our Video Advertisement Service your book trailer will appear on YouTube before, during or after a video plays, or in Google search results and mobile apps. Our advertisement is carefully designed to appear in front of people who have an interest in your books genre or topic.


We will handle all of the technical details.

We will create the advertisement for you. All you have to do is sit back and relax. When your advertisement run is complete we’ll send you analytics that let you know things like: total views, viewer demographics, viewer location and more. This will help inform your marketing strategy and focus your next video advertisement run.


social media

If you think social media marketing is all about posting or sharing content you are far from the truth. Content sharing is only the tip of the iceberg. For you to get ahead over the others, understanding the proper ways of navigating through these online platforms is important to fully maximize the potential of social networking.

Maintaining a presence on social media is a must for any writer these days. Even William Shakespeare has a Twitter account. If a playwright from the 16th century, who’s been dead for over 400 years, knows the importance of social media, it’s all the more reason for you to use it.But seriously, social media provides the perfect opportunity to market your book.


Increase Brand Awareness
Simply by creating an account on a social media platform and posting regularly, you can get in front of people who may not have found you otherwise.You’ll be able to build a community of likely readers on the power of social media channels like Twitter or Instagram alone.
It’s a treasure trove of future buyers since book lovers visit the internet to look for recommendations and share their reading list.In addition, you can reach specific demographics by learning which social media platform is a good fit for your book. For example, LinkedIn is for the professional and business-minded people, while Instagram can be for those people who love design and art.

Engagement with your readers
Your readers want to know that you’re a human just like them, who has a personality, that you have opinions on current events, and you live in the real world. Social media allows you to ask questions, respond to comments, and connect with your readers in meaningful ways.
Interaction attracts readers and being relatable can boosts book sales.

Get signed by a Major Publishing House
Most publishing houses will only sign you on if you have an online presence and have something bring to the table. There are a number of authors who have been published not because their work was revolutionary, but because the publisher knew their 1,122,072 Facebook/Twitter followers would buy their book.


Writing your first (or fifth!) book is a monumental undertaking. Once you’ve finished, you want to be sure that it reaches its audience: your peers, mentors, and collaborators, and perhaps even a wider readership. 

A good book review can help that happen, Let Spark Literary and Media Management help you out. 

Our review will be careful, impartial, and accessible, and will leave readers with a clear sense of the value and appeal of your work, as well as its purpose and credibility. You can either use the review as promotional material, online or in print.

Here are the main areas of the Review:

  • Opening Scene 
  • Characterization &  Motivation of the characters to act
  • Plot & Conflict 
  • Setting & World Building
  • Dialogues
  • Overall Impressions

Publishing is hard enough. Let Spark Literary and Media Management give you a hand!


Press Release

One of the best ways to promote your new masterpiece is with a well written press release of your book launch. 

Weekly newspapers love to promote local authors and their book launches since it’s community news. Most writers sell thousands of extra dollars at their launches from people who read about the event in the community newspaper.

The one big problem is getting the attention of editors, who are constantly swamped with all kinds of releases and that’s where our agency comes in.

Spark Literary and Media Management has certified copywriters, well-trained in the art of professional press release writing. 

We will support your needs with a thoughtful and creative message backed up by our extensive experience in public/media relations. We develop strategic messaging and produce an end product that will get you the visibility you are seeking. 

Our new distribution package offers an exceptionally superior level of media coverage and exposure. Here’s what to expect:

  1. Professional writing
  2. High value placements on networks that include MarketWatch, USA Today classifieds, AP News, ABC, CBS, FOX, CW, and over 500 authoritative media outlets 
  3. Results on Google, Yahoo, Bing search engines
  4. HUGE distribution report.

Radio interview

Rock the radio to dominate your book genre.

One of the most effective way to market your book is through a sweeping promotion campaign. And a live radio interview on a local or national radio pretty much does the job. Radio guestings and interviews allow you to reach thousands of target audience in just a matter of minutes. With the modern radio format and online distribution, video and audio recordings of radio interviews can be also be posted in social media and other frequently-visited sites.

Spark LM Interview Package is designed to give our authors the opportunity for a live syndicated radio interview. A full segment interview allows our authors to talk about their book and promote it to a broader target audience. The real-time interaction also gives them the chance to update the audience on future public engagements such as book fairs and book signing events as well as answer timely queries and comments. With millions of listeners tuning in, a live radio book interview can boost your credibility and reputation as a published author.

We at Spark Literary and Media Management will ensure that our authors will have an opportunity to be noticed by radio host and station manager.

Here is a sample you can listen to:


We’ve been in the “golden age” of television pretty much since The Sopranos upped the ante many years ago. 

Writing screenplay is a great way to showcase your talent and get noticed in the movie industry, as it shows you can write in someone else’s voice and style. It can be fun, but also challenging especially when there’s a lot of competition out there in the world of film and TV and that’s where our agency comes in.

Spark Literary and Media Management has a group of  seasoned screenwriters who has a decade of experience as a professional writer for film, TV, editorial and even comic book writing. If you are looking to take the story pages you’ve written and turn them into a highly polished, professional script, we can’t wait to work with you. 

Your screenplay will be delivered in Celtx, Fade In, PDF or Microsoft Word and will include:

Logline – A logline is a one or two-sentence summary of the script meant to entice readers and sell your story        

Treatment – A treatment is a document written in prose that tells the story of the screenplay and is typically used to sell the screenplay,

Formatting – We will include standard screenplay formatting: scene headings, actions, character names, parenthetical, dialogue, and transitions                 

Plot Development – We will develop the concept and story vision for your script            

Pages – 100 pages (Hollywood Standard)



Have you ever thought of having your own website? Do you ever think that it’s worth it? Do you feel that it might just be a ‘nice to have’ rather than a ‘must’? The truth is, setting up an author website is extremely important. Your author website is your readers’ entry into the world of you and your books. It’s a perfect platform for marketing, and a great place to start building a following of fans who will buy your books.

Here are things that you are losing out on without building your own author platform:

  • Brand Protection and Copyrights
  • Sign of an Established Author
  • Advertise Events and Speaking Engagements
  • Promoting New Projects and Other Products

Publicist and Media Exposure

As a self-published author, the challenge is setting yourself apart from the rest, depending on which stats you believe in there are somewhere between 600,000 and 1,000,000 books published every year in the US alone, with more or less half being self-published, so the question is how can a reader/buyer find your book. Apparently one of the most overlooked aspects of publishing is publicity. And working with an experienced publicist will not only generate excitement around your book it will also help getting your name recognized by media groups, and industry influencers.

Key Benefits of working with a Publicist

  1. Media Recognition
  2. Clever presentation
  3. Map out your publicity opportunities

Here are the things that we are going to do:

  • During the first 2-3 weeks of your campaign, will go over your book and compose a personalized marketing strategy dedicated to your specific needs.
  • During these same weeks, your publicist will also discuss with you your publicity goals as well as ask you any follow-up questions to help us craft a compelling review/endorsement letter.
  • A week or so after your conversation, your publicist will send you the review/endorsement letter for approval to ensure it aligns with your vision of how you would like yourself and your book to be presented to the media.
  • Once approved we will distribute this to relevant media outlets and reach out to the specific industry influencers that will most likely take interest in your book.
  • We will also leverage our connections and provide contact information to pursue opportunities to advance your title.
  • Your publicist will work to secure publicity opportunities that may include: speaking engagements, blog writing, book signings and/or interviews.
  • You will have a Monthly conversation with us to touch base on your campaign.
  • After the campaign, you will get a final report itemizing the results and make suggestions for going forward.
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